Ypsi & Love

Ypsigrock is the best festival on the planet.


If you missed out on Glasto, then you should try it.

The Times

Ypsigrock excelled once again, it must now be seen as one of the most tasteful and considered ‘boutique’ festivals in Europe, if not the world.


The best festival you’ll only find if you leave the beaten track of the European circuit behind.

The 405

There’s a mysterious charm to this Sicilian event that is nigh on impossible to put into words.


Un appuntamento che ha saputo diventare meta turistica, momento di aggregazione e di cultura, e soprattutto uno stato mentale.

Stefano Cuzzocrea (Journalist and unforgettable Friend)

Ypsigrock’s beautiful location, married to excellent production and hospitality resulted in the festival being one of the most memorable weekends of my life.

Andy Inglis (5000 Mgmt, UK)

You would be hard-pressed to find a festival more beautiful.

The Independent

Is this Europe’s most picturesque festival? Almost certainly, yes.




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